This year’s Lunar New Year celebrations are ushering in the Year of the Snake—fang-tastic news since the Zoo is home to an especially wide variety of vipers, boas, pythons, and more. For a sneak preview of the snakes you’ll see in the Zoo’s LAIR, as well as some fun facts, check out the photos in our gallery. These reptiles are nothing to hiss at!
Vipers are venomous snakes known for their fangs. The animals’ long fangs are hollow, and when they’re not in use, they fold back into the snake’s mouth, ready to spring out filled with venom. The Zoo has many species of vipers, including both pit vipers like rattlesnakes and Old World vipers like the Gaboon.
Gaboon Viper
Saharan Horned Viper
Armenian Viper
European Long-nosed Viper
Mangrove Viper
Mangshan Viper
Temple Viper
South American Bushmaster
Mexican West Coast Rattlesnake
Red Diamond Rattlesnake
Santa Catalina Island Rattlesnake
Instead of venom, pythons use their size and strength to cut off blood flow to a quarry’s vital organs, dispatching the prey more quickly than by using suffocation alone. They squeeze the breath out of their catch, then swallow it whole, usually headfirst. In the Zoo’s LAIR, you’ll find two types of pythons: the green tree python and the rough-scaled python.